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May 10, 2010

Consumerization in IT, taking over !!

By Suren

The term “Consumerization” has been used in many IT Seminars and conference throughout the last 10 years, but its prominence is increasing more than ever during the last couple of years and is likely to increase even more so in the future.

Gartner has been predicting that Consumerization is going to be the way forward, all software companies need to begin to understand this concept and build their product to satisfy this neologism.

To put it into simple words, Consumerization of IT is where new technologies are being introduced into consumer markets prior to entry into the industrial market. This is the trend that is taking over and businesses are beginning to understand that as well, for instance software’s like Google desktop, skype, and maybe even twitter for journalist to send out regular updates to the news room.

There are more enterprises now focusing on software’s for consumers as a starting point and then moving onto the industry market. The companies that focus on this would be the ones to thrive and at the end the ones to benefit would be the consumers obviously and the businesses that cater to this growing trend.

So keep yourself updated on these terms since these could come up very handy. After all, all business users also want ERPs that are as simple to use as possible but at the same time satisfying some of the most complex requirements, simple yet powerful and yeah I know that’s a “cliché”!!

Have a nice day!!

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