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Dec 2, 2020

Launch of the “Best of Blockchain” Discord Channel

 Access to information = More Knowledge = More Opportunities.

Online materials on #bitcoin have been available since 2013, but not many cared to research, read or share about it, but today the technology that drives Bitcoin is gaining serious traction and has loads of materials for those keen on upskilling. 🚀🌔

If you’ll like to get an early start and learn more about blockchain and how it is transforming various industries, check out the link below.

The “Best of Blockchain” discord channel contains 10+ industry-specific channels (including a dedicated one for hashtagsap Blockchain enthusiasts), with 650+ blockchain relevant articles, 250+ blockchain whitepapers from renowned blockchain experts & companies, and 50+ blockchain webinars & training links. Happy learning and feel free to contribute!! 👍

Nov 20, 2020

The HUMAN element in Digital Transformation

 #COVID19 has accelerated digital transformation across many industries and is turning out to be the impetus for a new breed of "intrapreneurs" to build solutions for the modern workplace, and the best way to go about this is to understand and address the human element in "Digital Transformation" before jumping on to new tools and technology.

Here are just a few thoughts on some of the key elements.

Sep 10, 2020

Unlocking Business value with Blockchain & SAP

More on Slack

Feel free to download and share.

Aug 2, 2020

Usecase: Blockchain in Auditing

Usecase: Blockchain in Auditing

As we see more scenarios like Wirecard playout (where $2B vanished from its balance sheet), regulators and stakeholders are likely to push to validate entries in the “ledger books” of large organizations by themselves without having to wait for an audit report.

In the future releases of the SAP HANA’s blockchain adapter, we could see a connector that can host data from the blockchain virtual tables in the HANA databases with a secure login that allows regulators and stakeholders direct access into organization’s ledger databases & reports.

This could mean the end of compiling & lodgement of corporate reporting, and perhaps even auditing of reports altogether! ⏳🕵️‍♀️

#auditasaservice #sap #digitaltransformation #blockchain

Apr 12, 2020

The rise of "as a service" offerings

Expect the outcome of this pandemic to push for more "as a service" offerings, this will be on the back of the rise of "remote servicing" & "smarter automation" becoming the new norm in Enterprise Architectures.

Here are some of the types of "as a service" offerings likely to dominate/continue to dominate in the years to come:

- IoT as a service - IoTaaS
- Blockchain as a Service - BaaS
- Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS
- Device as a service - DaaS
- Cloud as a service - CaaS
- Management as a service - MaaS
- Platform as a Service - PaaS
- Software as a Service - SaaS
- Support as a service - SpaaS
- Status as a Service - StaaS
- StatusQuo as a Service - SQaaS
- IP as a Service - IPaaS
- Unified communications as a service - UCaaS
- Everything as a Service - XaaS

More on this in Twitter & Slack