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Oct 23, 2013

Symptoms of an “Over engineered system”

Wikipedia: “Over engineering (or over-engineering) is the design of a product to be more robust or complicated than what is necessary for its application”

So there you go, the definition in Wikipedia for "Over engineering" is as simple as they come. As a consultant, having implemented many different ERP solutions across various project globally, I cannot say that I’ve not had firsthand experience working with an “Over-engineered system “and when I do, I think to myself who let this happen and why is it still in existence, but the reality is when a system that is more complicated than what is necessary for its application becomes a process in a chain of operations, it becomes the hardest process to replace!!

In this article, I’m going to list down the symptoms of an “Over-engineered System”, so if you see any of below symptoms in your organisation for a process...then “Voila” ...someone’s gone overboard with the design:

  • Only 1 person clearly understands what the specific application area does.
  • There is no one place to get all the documentations explaining this application area.
  • No one wants to have anything to do with the application area.
  • Other areas around the “application area” have changed overtime.
  • All the other areas have been changed to suit the workings of this particular “application area”.
  • Many external contractors have worked on different sections of the application area, all at various points in time.
  •  The senior management hardly knows about this application area, though it feeds into the information system that is used solely by the senior management.
  • This application area is not associated with routine tasks on a day to day basis in the business.
  • Reports relating to this specific application area are done manually in “Excel sheets” rather than an integrated system report.

These are some of the clear symptoms of an “Over Engineered system”, if any application area satisfy most of the above bullet points, highlight it and make an effort to try and re-engineer it, and this time follow the KISS Principal – “Keep it simple, stupid” – as articulated by Kelly Johnson.

Hope you found this post informative and interesting.

Enjoy, have a nice day.